Ask anyone who knows me. I am not a morning person. But the weather is hot this week and getting out for a walk is only possible, for a cool weather lover like me, in the early morning or after sunset. This morning I awoke at 7 a.m. which is almost like the middle of the night for me. I was fuzzy-minded but not sleepy (these are two different things, as night persons know). I went for a walk while there was still shade and the temperature was pleasant.
Even in the sun, I was mostly comfortable; and the mosquitos were not as thick as they have been at night. I finished some deadheading of my flowers; the ones that I missed yesterday evening as the mosquitos mounted their attacks.
As I walked toward my coneflowers, I was gifted with the sight of a monarch butterfly having his breakfast. Oh for a camera! I went inside to get one and lovely butterfly cooperated. He heard more camera snaps than George Clooney! And in my opinion he was just as photogenic.
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