Fido and me

Fido and me
Fido and me

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Columbine memories

The picture of a columbine from my garden has a memory connection.

When I was a little girl, there was a place where our parents would take us on Sunday. There was an amusement park with a carousel (my favorite thing). The place we went was called High Cliff because that is exactly what it was. We didn't know it, but we were standing on a ridge of rock formation that goes from the state of New York to Ontario in Canada, then on to the states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois. It takes its name from the most famous part which is the edge of the famous Niagara Falls in New York.

There was a place at High Cliff where we could walk down rough-hewn rock steps to a lower path. Here we could see the geological formation of the rock and run along the path discovering whatever there was to find. And the little wild columbine, red and yellow in color, grew out of cracks between the rocks. Even as a child, I thought that amazing and also very decorative - as if God had found the dull browns and grays of the rocks too severe and found a way to make them brighter with this little flower.

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